About Us
The ‘Friends of Le Marche, Italy’ association is a cultural, non-profit association which aims to promote the cultural and natural heritage of Le Marche region. This in addition to promoting its unique way of life - a lifestyle which has inspired people throughout the centuries to the present day. Visitors have explored and visited the region from all over the world starting from Montefiore dell'Aso, a town founded in 1178, also the birthplace and early inspiration for our association.
Our first website, montefioredellaso.com, was sponsored by the association in 2015. We are in now in the final stage of building a new regional portal, www.friendsoflemarcheitaly.com, in 2024. One of the main objectives is to contribute to the conservation of our cultural heritage especially in the historic town centres. Our new portal aims to attract cultural tourists interested in discovering, experiencing and ultimately acquiring a share in an authentic and affordable Italian lifestyle as a family holiday home off the tourist circuit. Our regional website also welcomes and facilitate prospective home buyers by providing access to a selection of qualified service providers throughout the region with expertise ranging from property search, acquisition to the restoration of period properties especially in historic town centres or within fifteen-minute walking distance from town centres.
We firmly believe that this project represents a significant tool to preserve many small communities like Montefiore dell’Aso, keeping them alive and thriving, minimising the risk of our cultural heritage being further eroded by globalisation and urbanisation.
The development of the community and regional websites results from our commitment to the preservation and restoration of our shared heritage and, equally importantly, the shared passion to genuinely want to make a difference. Ultimately, our goal is to leave a positive legacy for the next generation!
Bringing Communities Together
One of our early success stories is the 'But First Coffee' Football tour of April 2016. It was a perfect opportunity for the young players (all 15/16 years old) to experience the hospitality, culture and language of a fellow European country. In contrast to London, Montefiore dell'Aso is a small town which is rich with architecture and vistas of Italy and where life is lived at a pace that's in great contrast to that of London's sprawling metropolis.
Nevertheless, the passion for football and cappuccino is just as fervent and the young British and Italians found they had much in common as they compared not only their differing football styles but also their mutual regard for pizza and ice cream! The memories of the trip will live long for all those who were there not only for the friendliness and generosity of our hosts but also for the smells, sights and colours of the locality and not forgetting, of course, the food!

Mini Football Pitch, Parco Luigi de Vecchis, Montefiore dell'Aso

Football Pitch, Parco Luigi de Vecchis, Montefiore dell'Aso

Football Pitch, Parco Luigi de Vecchis, Montefiore dell'Aso

Accommodation at the Hotel del Parco, Montefiore dell'Aso

'British Team invited to meet the town Mayor, Lucio Porrá', Montefiore dell'Aso
Contributors to our Project
Hester Lott : Main researcher, writer and editor
Prof. Giuseppe Ottaviani
Albert Hazelhoff
Alessandro Della Mora
Enzo Damiani
Settimio Virgili
Theresa Ashford (Ameera Health)
Renzo Alesiani: Main photographer and owner of Foto Cesare
Mario Maroni (Employee of Town Council of Montefiore dell’Aso)
Luigi Alesi
Gianfranco de Carolis
Prof. Massimo Egidi
Andrea Pallottini
Luigi Simonetti : Manager of Habitual Tourist
Gerardina Bellagamba
Alberto Fiorenzi
Massimo Beri
Giampaolo Valori
Andrea Valori
Mariachiara Conte
Giulio Chiurchione
Cristina Cameli
Theresa Ashford (Ameera Health)
Fiona Christianson : Web designer and content manager