"It is a place that stole my heart..."
A truly magical experience and a truly magical place. The views of the mountains and sea are expansive. The authentic hilltop village homes absolutely charming. The people warm and generous, happy to share their love and knowledge of the region. And the food, well the food nourishes the soul.
I feel so grateful to have experienced such a beautiful place and have had so many share a bit of their culture with me. It is a place that stole my heart and I will remember for ever.
I will never forget my visit and I'm already looking forward to returning.

Kaye Preston | London | Holistic Interior Designer | www.kayepreston.com
"Life is good in Montefiore"
A truly magical experience and a truly magical place. We visted Montefiore for several years now and love the place and region so much. Montefiore is a good life with lovely people, lovely food and beautifull views. If you want to experience the real Italy life you have to visted this area and Montefiore! Life is good in Montefiore.

Matthijs de Grood | The Netherlands
Have you visited Montefiore dell'Aso?
Share your experiences with us below!
"A truly authentic Italian hilltop gem..."
A truly authentic Italian hilltop gem, perfect for those who like to travel at a slower pace. We discovered Montefiore dell’ Aso with its stunning views in July of 2017, thanks to a recommendation from a Marche local.
We have returned every summer since then! We love Venice, we love Florence, but the Marche region draws us back every year because it is so wonderfully unpretentious and not (yet) overrun by tourists. In 2019, we met – by chance, while sipping a Cappuccino on the town square during the hot and supremely quiet lunch hours – London-based Guido Egidi. Guido, a true globetrotter and polyglot, spends time at his family’s Montefiore home every summer. We kicked it right off right away and
thoroughly enjoyed getting an inside view of the town thanks to Guido. We were blown away by the rich history of this small hilltop town. Guido’s passion for Montefiore and for Italian history, culture, and the arts is strongly reflected in this fantastic website. Thanks to him and the many inspiring locals and visitors from around the world, Montefiore dell’ Aso has a great future ahead of it.

Liz Naithani | USA | Bilingual Coach
"What a delightful surprise...!"
What a delightful surprise to learn that Montefiore dell'Aso is everything as Guido has written on his informative website and more!
I felt special to be invited to this hidden gem and engage in conversations with local residents. Free from the madding crowd of tourists, Montefiore dell'Aso is real Italy without the mask of marketing and the hype of haute cuisine. It's what every tourist dreams of --- to find the authentic self, immerse in the rich culture, engage with local residents, and experience what it's like to live there.
Anne Ku | London, UK | Musician and Writer | www.anneku.com
"...we have enjoyed countless summers, winters and Easter breaks in Montefiore."
"We discovered La Marche from the side of a bus in Islington one rainy Autumn day.
After a handful of reconnaissance visits, we purchased a top floor flat in the Centro Storico of Montefiore. From the roof terrace, the views are breathtaking and at times, magical. We found our happy place and could not imagine a better place to grow fat and old or indeed spend our free time until then.
It all seemed so right that we hadn’t given much thought about why we had chosen Montefiore until a few years later in the local bar…..
"London is an exciting City, yes?"
"Yes" we said to the crowd of locals in the bar across our piazza.
"Nothing happens in Montefiore.......why would you want to come here?" asked "gravely” man (as we affectionately named him) and his friends from the back room at the bar. He had clearly been giving this question some considerable thought over a number of days. He had been 'volunteered' to put the question to the "Inglese" of Montefiore. The bar fell silent and all attention now focused on us. Were we fugitives, spies, or had we just got lost on the way to Rome?
So, in our stilted Italian we started to explain. In fact, having had an apartment in Montefiore for a number of years, the answer seemed so obvious to us that we hadn't given it much thought for a quite a while.
Concerned not to offend, we started hesitantly - 'Well.....there are the beautiful views of the mountains, the sea and the rolling fields........". A pause, some looked out of the window to check, and then pensive nods of approval all round. We'd made a good start.
All agreed views from Montefiore were stunning (even if some had apparently not looked for a while). To the West the Siblini Mountains (capped with snow for much of the year), to the East the blue Adriatic stretching to Croatia. In between, the lush green patchwork of Le Marche with its countless mediaeval hilltop towns and deep valleys. The topography is truly stunning - Tuscany on speed! Slowly, however, the nods of approval started to wane. All eyes fell on us again - clearly, beautiful landscape was not sufficient to explain our obvious insanity.
And there is the wine. From the local seriously quaffable reds, to the lighter white Verdichio, Passerina and Pecorino (not a cheese) there is something for everyone. Best of all, the price means you can actually afford to enjoy drinking it! (even at more recent €/£ rates)
“Well…” we continued “……there is also the incredible food”. Hard as you might try, you simply can't have a bad meal in Le Marche. I'm sure some Italians might disagree but, to our stunted London taste buds, food just comes alive here. Food - now we had their attention and the bar erupted with talk of aubergines, peaches, pears, cinghiale (wild boar), Ascoli olives (don't get caught out by the fish ones), cozze (mussels), pasta and the best type of tomato. "But" said gravely man "you have tomatoes in London? What's the most popular type?" "Err.......Red?" we responded rather sheepishly.
This sealed it. Clearly we were not mad or fugitives from the law but gastronomically deprived overworked Londoners in search of peace and quiet (and food and wine) in beautiful Montefiore where nothing happens! That sounded about right to us.
Juventus then scored a goal. All attention turned to the ever present TV in the bar corner and we were released from our interrogation. I think we passed.
Over the last 15 years, we have enjoyed countless summers, winters and Easter breaks in Montefiore. Every trip we discover some new wonder. A wine, a restaurant or local delicacy we failed to find until then. The children have outgrown the numerous parks and celebrations and have moved on to motor scooters and late nights. We too have moved from lazy beach days, to cycling to breakfast on the beach and between hilltops villages in search of the perfect lunch. We look forward to discovering the next chapter and indeed, introducing this wonderful region to the next generation."

L'Inglese di Montefiore | London, UK
"An artists' colony will surely take root there some time soon."
"Sitting high on a mountain and looking down on a many patched quilt of a valley, Montefiore dell'Aso is a gem of a Borgho. Dating back almost a thousand years, the village has buildings as churches whose style range from the Romanesque to Baroque. The town is beautifully kept and well maintained and it exhibits a quiet and breath-taking beauty. An artists' colony will surely take root there some time soon."
Annie and Tommy Thompson | Singapore | Investment Manager & Banker

"Highly recommend a visit for anyone needing a complete change of scene..."
"The word "unspoilt" is overused but Montefiore dell'Aso is the genuine article. A fantastic sense of history permeates this ancient hilltop village where nothing happens fast and nobody is in a hurry. With far-reaching idyllic views and easy access to cheerful beaches populated only by Italian holidaymakers (no "Brits abroad") the only real decisions we had to make were around food and swimming (now or after a delicious lunch?). Best of all, our three children were not only tolerated but warmly welcomed by everyone we met. So relaxing. Highly recommend a visit for anyone needing a complete change of scene, and a respite from the busyness of city life."
Kathy Dunn | Summer 2016 | London, UK | Journalist and Editor

"...there I was amidst the beautiful countryside; there were snow-capped mountains and patchwork-like fields in outstanding hues of green."
"Following a fairly stressful month, I decided to take some time out. A friend recommended Montefiore dell'Aso in Le Marche for a short break. So, there I was amidst the beautiful countryside; there were snow-capped mountains and patchwork-like fields in outstanding hues of green. It was just so beautiful.
So, if Le Marche is being labelled 'the new Tuscany', I feel that Montefiore and its surroundings testifies to this. With its views, stunning architecture and a distinct lack-of-commercialism, it's a wonderful region to visit. There is also a range of marvellous, Marchigiano food to sample. Tutto buonissimo."
Theresa Percival | Spring 2016 | London, UK | Owner of AmeeraHealth Ltd

"Nel mio errare distratto ti ho scoperto e mi hai svegliato."
"Nel mio errare distratto ti ho scoperto e mi hai svegliato. Attratto dalla posizione geografica e dalla natura che ti cinge, mi son lasciato sedurre dal sottostante mare e dalle ridenti colline. Il centro storico poi, con le sue architetture che testimoniano un inconfutabile nobile passato. Ora, in età da riposo ti godo, dopo aver lasciato la mamma Roma, felice nella scelta, con gli occhi pieni di te e di quello che ti circonda."
Antonio Salerno | Montefiore dell'Aso

"This charming ancient walled 'city in the sky' is the perfect place to experience... Marchigiano charm..."
"This charming ancient walled 'city in the sky’ is the perfect place to experience the warmth of Marchigiano charm and hospitality. It is a short drive from the range of charming beaches and the Apennine Mountains, so a great location to explore the region."
Phill Smith | Summer 2016 | London, UK | Chartered Surveyor

"Vi har lyckan att få leva två liv..."
"Vi har lyckan att få leva två liv. Ett i Malmö med familj, vänner, jobb och karriärer, och ett i Montefiore dell Aso – själva sinnebilden av ett Italien man bara ser på film eller drömmer om… Med trånga snirklande gränder, vackra gamla hus och fantastisk atmosfär. Men vårt italienska liv vore inte liv på riktigt om det inte vore för byns underbara människor. Alltid glada och hjälpsamma! Alltid noga med att tala sakta så att vi förstår. Alltid förlåtande om vi börjar hälsningspussandet på fel kind. Och alltid noga med att få oss att känna oss som hemma i deras Montefiore. De kommer välkomna dig också!"
Mona and Anders Sverige | Stockholm, Sweden | Ditt Italien

"We are fortunate to be able to live two lives..."
Translation of testimonial above
"We are fortunate to be able to live two lives, especially one in Malmö with family, friends, job and careers. And one in Montefiore Dell’Aso - which is the very picture of an Italy that you only see on film or that you dream about... With small winding alleys, beautiful old houses and a fantastic atmosphere. But our Italian life wouldn't be life for real if it wasn't for all the wonderful villagers. Always happy and helpful! Always careful of speaking slowly enough so we can understand. Always forgiving if we say hello and start by kissing the wrong cheek. And always making us feel at home in their Montefiore. They will welcome you as well!"
Mona and Anders Sverige | Stockholm, Sweden | Ditt Italien

"Montefiore dell'Aso is a beautiful, tranquil refuge away from the stresses and bustle of city living..."
“Montefiore dell’Aso is a beautiful, tranquil refuge, away from the stresses and bustle of city living, a place to retreat to high in the hills from whence you can survey a breath-taking landscape of rolling green countryside and sip a glass of delicious chilled Verdicchio at dusk to the dulcet tones of cicadas and spectacular sunsets.
And if you’ve had your fill of peace and tranquillity, Montefiore is the perfect base from which you can explore the wonders of the region, just a short drive away from UNESCO world heritage sites of Giotto’s Assisi, the walled city of Urbino the birthplace of Raphael, Ascoli Piceno, Perugia, Rimini and more.
And when you’re satiated with the unsurpassed culture of the region, go to Pesaro and bask on the sun-drenched sandy beaches and take a swim in the warm Adriatic before returning home for the night to the welcoming sanctuary of Montefiore. Wonderful!”
Anthony D'Angour | Summer 2015 | London, UK | Artist and Entrepeneur

"Ogni volta che veniamo a Montefiore il mondo davanti ai nostri occhi cambia: la storia che il paese, le sue case e i suoi monumenti raccontano, i ritmi delle giornate, i paesaggi e le viste che appagano gli occhi, l'aria e la luce che riempiono e galvanizzano i sensi, sapori e profumi di cose buone e naturali, l'accoglienza sincera e calorosa della gente. Tutto contribuisce a farci godere il tempo di ogni singola esperienza come un dono raro e prezioso. Dal 2009, anno in cui abbiamo deciso di "adottare" la torre del Pestrino, Montefiore è diventata il nostro rifugio e il nostro luogo dove sognare."
Marcello Defant | Montefore dell'Aso | Violinist

"Montefiore dell'Aso is a very special village."
“Montefiore dell'Aso is a very special village. After visiting for a short break whilst on our honeymoon, we fell in love. So much so, we decided to cancel the next leg of our adventure so we could spend more time to experience its uniqueness, history , traditions and people. We were welcomed into local life as if we were family, and so this wonderful village in Le Marche has a very special place in our hearts and is truly our Italian home.
Breathtakingly beautiful, a vibrant village life, easy access to the sea, mountains, major towns and cities, Montefiore really is the hidden gem of Le Marche, if not Italy."
Matt Bracken | London, UK | Owner of 'But First Coffee'

"Con Montefiore é stato amore a prima vista!"
"Con Montefiore è stato amore a prima vista!
Quando, in una giornata calda e assolata di un luglio di oltre 10 anni fa ci siamo ritrovati su una strada che saliva in collina, fra ulivi e vigne, e poi abbagliati dal sole che si rifletteva sui mattoncini delle antiche mura del borgo, colorando di rosa tutt'intorno, e infine percorsa una stretta stradina a ridosso di alte mura siamo entrati in un portone ampio fresco e luminoso ......allora mio marito ed io ci siamo guardati e, in quel preciso momento abbiamo deciso il nostro futuro "vogliamo vivere qui!" E così è stato!!!"
Nella dell'Aquila | Milan, Italy

"Montefiore dell'Aso is a place very close to my heart..."
"In 2009 I was searching for a retreat location in the region of Le Marche. On a friends recommendation I visited an Agriturismo in Montefiore dell’Aso and was thrilled to find not only the perfect location, nestled in a valley surrounded by olive groves and vineyards, but also a wonderful host and this most delightful little town close-by with magnificent views across the valley and out to the sea.
Having returned to Montefiore dell’Aso many times since, I have also discovered that it has the most amazing history and is the perfect town to enjoy peace, tranquility and excellent mountain air. The people are very kind and friendly and I continue to enjoy wonderful friendships from those I have met. Montefiore dell’Aso is a place very close to my heart and should you come to visit, I promise, you will not be disappointed."
Maria Banks | Summer 2016 | London, UK | Business and Life Coach

"Montefiore é situata molto centrale per visitare altri paesi nei dintorni e per chi volesse anche fare un salto al mare."
"Dopo il consiglio di un amico, ci siamo fermati per qualche giorno a Montefiore. Bellissimo paesino nelle Marche, panorama mozzafiato sui monti Sibillini e dei paesi intorno ed anche la vista sul mare!!!!!!! Vi consiglio di andare a vedere la chiesetta con gli antichi affreschi riscoperti non tanto tempo fá. Montefiore é situata molto centrale per visitare altri paesi nei dintorni e per chi volesse anche fare un salto al mare. Presenti anche B&B molto carini e gelateria e ristorante dove abbiamo mangiato delle pietanze tipiche molto squisite. Vale la pena tornarci!!!!"
Patrick Rabanser | Ortisei, Val Gardena | Ski Instructor | Ski School Ortisei Val Gardena

"Beautiful views, great hospitality and a well worn charm..."
"The trip to Montefiore Dell'Aso and the surrounding areas was one of the highlights of my life. Beautiful views, great hospitality and a well worn charm that only the Italians could make so attractive! It's a part of the world that I will definitely be visiting again."
Bob Packham | Summer 2016 | London, UK

"My life and priorities have completely changed here."
"I have lived in Montefiore dell'Aso for almost 20 years now. I was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. I am now living in this quaint village of 1,200 people. My life and priorities have completely changed here. I enjoy the fact that my traffic jams consist of tractors plodding along a narrow winding road amidst a backround of patchwork laden hillsides. Farmers wearing straw hats wave to me as I pass.
I eat only local fresh and "happy" produce, fish, poultry, beef and lamb. Local wines, olives, prosciuto, and salami's are a divine specialty. I've sunk my teeth into a fresh plum plucked at sunset with such juicy flavor and ripeness that no Sugar Plum Fairy could ever fathom...I look ahead of me, I see the glistening sea. I look behind me, I see the snow capped mountains where the town's water supply is from. I relish in the chirping birds & the afternoon breeze that naturally cools our home and fills my lungs with nature's goodness and purity.
Fox, goats, huge porcupines, hedgehogs, wild boar, owls, passing deer all live harmoniously on "Flowermountain". Artists, clergy, and legendary figures have influenced it's walls and have left their footprints. I take long walks through the countryside and along the seaside with sheer gratitude that I was placed here. I am blessed."
Dana E. Walker | Summer 2016 | Montefiore dell'Aso

"...savouring the bounty of this green and beautiful land."
"Like Dana, who I have never met, I live in Montefiore dell'Aso and have done so for 8 years. I am English, although following Brexit, am slightly ashamed to say so, but here I have found my paradise. My two amazing Albanian builders who reconstructed my cattleshed called it so, I feel it so. Everyone has said everything there is to say about this special place, both the village, the environment and this 'hidden' part of Italy.
Selfishly I would like it to remain a secret, but I would also like others, of like minds, to enjoy what it has to offer in this mad world of globalisation and unfortunately personal greed. This is not for everyone - we go back to basics - farming, harvesting, enjoying the simple life, enjoying mixing together, listening to music, eating together and savouring the bounty of this green and beautiful land. It is glorious. Welcome."
Lesley Dorin | Summer 2016

"As the light changes during the day and the seasons come and go, the views continue to amaze..."
As dyed in the wool Italophiles – the Lakes, Venice, Verona, Florence, Rome – we became excited about the approaching adventure of deciding where in Italy our retirement home should be. Little did we know that it would be in an a Regione that we had never heard of previously – Le Marche. Its name was mentioned by a fellow student in our Italian class whose years of allegiance to Tuscany had been transferred across the Appenines to a region peppered with centuries old hill-top towns sitting between the mountains and the Adriatic sea.
Our evening arrival in summer 2000 at the Montefiore agriturismo La Campana , magically complete with a double rainbow, gave us our first flavour of this striking area. Within a few days of exploring the valleys, the ridges, the ever winding, rising and falling country roads we were hooked and set about finding a casa colonica for development. These farm houses are still readily available as the owners retire from working on the land. We were smitten by the loction of an old house with panoramic views of the Apennines (3500m Monte Vettore snow covered from November to May). It came with its 12 acres of land and olive trees within the comune of Montefiore on a little strada bianca running down from Montefiore's flour mill to the valley of the Menocchia torrente.
The Menocchia valley is home to nurseries growing a remarkable range of shrubs and trees on the river plain whilst the slopes are planted with wheat, sunflowers, vines and indigo. Special tractors with caterpillar tracks are deployed on these steep slopes that would be left to be grazed by sheep in the UK. The sheer variety of field shape, size, slope and crops means that there is a veritable kaleidoscope of nature which can be enjoyed within the countryside or from many stunning view points around Montefiore and similar towns. As the light changes during the day and the seasons come and go the views continue to amaze – good for the soul.
A few years ago in Ascoli Piceno (our province's seat of local government and being proposed as a UN World Heritage site) we discovered the Marchegiano artist Tullio Pericoli exhibiting his recent works on which reflect his roots in this region and the patchwork works of art created by the farmers working these undulating lands. Interestingly, his second exhibition is being held in the Le Marche's UN World Heritage town of Urbino which was Raphael's home and today houses Galleria
Nazionale delle Marche. Montefiore has a surprising artistic lineage from its 13th Century frescoes, the Montefiore 15th CenturyTrittico of Carlo Crivelli , a gallery dedicated to a wide range of 19th Century work of Adolfo de Carolis to Domenico Cantatore's 20th Century donation of his range of portraits of local people and their environment. Montefiore is but one example of a rich but understated legacy of art throughout the old towns of the southern Marche.
Through the building of our house and subsequent works we have come to know many local trades' people whom we have found to be skilled, hard-working and straightforward to deal with. It's probably playing to the cliché to say that the people of this central part of Italy are warmer than those from further north and less laid back than those from further south.
Montefiore is ideally situated in this beautiful corner of Le Marche probably expressed best by the Amazon delivery man when he brought us a parcel ordered 2 days previously. 'Qui siete in paradiso' Here you are in paradise!"
George and Wendy Scott | Montefiore dell'Aso

"Montefiore dell’Aso: La Nostra Dolce vita!"
"Een zoektocht door Le Marche heeft ons gebracht naar het lieflijke Montefiore dell’Aso. Aangenaam verrast waren we: Montefiore dell’Aso. Liggend op één van de vele heuveltoppen in het zuiden van Le Marche, zo vlak bij zee en tegelijk op kleine rijafstand van de bergen. Wij hebben een heerlijk huis gevonden in de buitenste ring van het ‘centro storico’ met genoeg ruimte voor onszelf en een atelier én met een adembenemend mooi uitzicht over de Aso vallei.
Van de Adriatische zee tot aan de Sibillini bergen; een uitzicht dat nooit verveelt. Overdag genieten we van de prachtige heuvels met hun wijnvelden, olijfbomen, fruitbomen, zonnebloemen en oleanders en ’s avonds, zittend op ons terras met goed glas lokale wijn, van de prachtige zonsondergangen en vele lichtjes. Het dagelijks leven verloopt heel prettig in Montefiore dell’Aso. Niet te druk, maar ook niet te rustig. Even een rondje lopen en dan wat bijpraten op het terras met een perfecte koffie of een aperitiefje. Gaan lunchen en genieten van lekkere lokale producten doen we natuurlijk ook graag. Uiteraard is het er in de zomer veel drukker dan in de winter, maar de gezelligheid blijft.
Naast toeristen die Montefiore dell’Aso kort bezoeken hebben de nodige Italianen die in de grote stad wonen hier een huis en komen er de zomer graag doorbrengen. Geef ze eens ongelijk! Het aangename klimaat en de mooie stranden zijn een grote trekker. Daarnaast wordt veel georganiseerd op cultureel en culinair gebied. Dit varieert van kleinschalige nieuwe initiatieven tot grote traditionele feesten waar mensen vanuit de wijde omtrek op af komen. Voor ons als inwoners betekent dat altijd een fijne sfeer en de kans om gezellige nieuwe mensen te ontmoeten. Nadat het seizoen met alle festiviteiten is afgelopen blijven de leuke bars en restaurants gelukkig geopend zodat voor ons ‘La dolce vita’ in Montefiore dell’Aso zomer én winter doorgaat!"
Constance and Bert Jacobs | Montefiore dell'Aso | Interior Decorator & Artist

"Montefiore dell’Aso: Our Sweet Life!"
"A reconnaissance trip through Le Marche brought us to the lovely Montefiore dell’Aso. We were pleasantly surprised: Montefiore dell'Aso. Situated on one of the many hilltops in the south of Le Marche, so close to the sea and at the same time a short drive from the mountains. We found a wonderful house in the outer ring of the ‘centro storico’ with enough space for ourselves, with a workshop and with a breathtaking view of the Aso valley.
From the Adriatic Sea to the Sibillini mountains; a view that never bores you. During the day we enjoy the beautiful hills with their vineyards, olive trees, fruit trees, sunflowers and oleanders, and during the evening, while sitting on the terrace with a glass of good local wine, we enjoy the beautiful sunsets and many lights. Daily life ambles along very pleasantly in Montefiore dell’Aso. It’s not too busy, but also not too quiet. Just a little walk and then you have a chat on a cafe terrace with a perfect coffee or an aperitif. We also love to have lunch and enjoy the tasty local products. Of course it is much busier in summer than in winter, but it’s still convivial.
Apart from the tourists, who pay Montefiore dell’Aso brief visits, many Italians who live in big cities have a house here and spend the summer here. Can you blame them? The pleasant climate and beautiful beaches are a big attraction. In addition, there are many organized cultural and culinary events. These range from small scale new initiatives to large traditional festivals that attract people from miles around. For us residents this means there is always a great atmosphere and a chance to meet nice new people. After the season with all the festivities is over the nice bars and restaurants luckily remain open, so that for us ‘La dolce vita’ in Montefiore dell’Aso continues summer and winter!"
Constance and Bert Jacobs | Montefiore dell'Aso | Interior Decorator & Artist

"Montefiore dell'aso is a hidden gem."
"Montefiore dell'aso is a hidden gem. We had one of the most relaxing family holidays there, staying at I cigni (a small, rustic agriturismo nestled in the hills with spectacular views). It was a short drive to long, safe beaches with all the facilities, food and gelato you need and many beautiful towns to visit nearby. The beach is perfect for little ones as it is shallow and warm, and during the heat of the day the agriturismo pool is a safe shady haven. We will be coming again to do more relaxing, exploring and eating this summer."
Rebeca Paton | London | Lawyer

"What struck me in an instant was the tranquillity of the Italian countryside coupled with the amazing views."
"What struck me in an instant was the tranquillity of the Italian countryside coupled with the amazing views. As a place where you would want to escape the city life and find true silence yet not too remote from civilisation - Montefiore was the ideal location. Often compared to Tuscany, I in fact found so much more here. With its own distinctive regional delicacies and the combination of coast and mountain areas, it truly is a unique place to stay."
Sandra | UK | Hotel Manager

"The area is so rich with culture and beauty yet quiet and relaxing with the most delicious food and wine..."
"My husband had been encouraged often by a friend to visit Montefiore, a place where he had grown up summers with his family. Career, children and life interfered for years but we finally spent a week there in the summer of 2016. We had both visited other parts of Italy but never anticipated how magical Montefiore would be. As we drove up to the walled town, we were stunned by the breathtaking views, especially at the top where we overlooked the surrounding towns. We were then led to our B&B, Casa Malavolta, where we had a whole floor to ourselves.
At our first meal in a local restaurant we had the most delicious pasta we had ever eaten accompanied by the local wine that could match the finest wine anywhere in the world. After sleeping with open air, we awoke to the most bountiful breakfast – cappuccino, home baked rolls and bread, juice, fruit, yogurt, eggs and more. After a tour of the local area, we then went to the beach and swam in the Adriatic. A very different but surreal experience from swimming in the Mediterranean or the ocean. The water was calm and warm and you could swim for hours. The beach chairs on the white sandy beach were comfortable and very affordable and offered the perfect venue for a nap, reading or to observe the other beachgoers.
The numerous restaurants along the boardwalk provided a variety of choices for us to dine for lunch and dinner. Over the next couple of days we kept the same routine – a few hours at the beach and a few hours touring the surrounding towns, punctuated by delicious meals and wine in between. One could spend weeks visiting the ancient towns, castles, antique markets, and museums. The area is so rich with culture and beauty yet quiet and relaxing with the most delicious food and wine – and a perfect combination for a vacation."
Molly Downer | USA | Managing Director at Private Bank

"What a beautiful place to visit - full of history and culture"
"What a beautiful place to visit - full of history and culture - wonderful people, great food & wine - would highly recommend a visit."
Orla Murray | Ireland | Owner at Orla Murray Financial Services | Orla Murray Financial

"A real sanctuary in today's world."
"Superb, captivating and above all an escape from the hustle and bustle of the metropolis. Culture, history, nature,culinary excellence and stupendous views! A real sanctuary in today's world. Silence, don't tell anyone... About this secret place..."

Annemarie Brabants | Belgium | Fund Manager
"Montefiore dell'Aso ist ein besonders schönes Städtchen in einer besonders schönen Gegend"
"Die Marken sind ein herrliches Feriengebiet, und Montefiore dell'Aso ist ein besonders schönes Städtchen in einer besonders schönen Gegend: von der Stadt hat man eine herrliche Aussicht auf Meer, umliegende, von ähnlichen Städtchen gekrönte Hügel, und die Sibillinischen Berge und den Gran Sasso im Westen. Die Stadt hat viel zu bieten, von regelmäßigen, lokalen Gerichten gewidmeten Festen zu einer exzellenten Pasticceria, von schönen Aussichtsterrassen rund um den Ortskern zu mittelalterlichen Fresken in der Kirche S. Francesco (die der Küster gern zum Zwecke der Besichtigung aufschließt), und einem Polyptychon von Carlo Crivelli im Kreuzgang und Museum (ein Teil befindet sich in der National Gallery in London). Wir kommen seit fast 10 Jahren jedes Jahr nach Montefiore, in die Ferienwohnung der Familie in Piazza Risorgimento, und haben nicht vor, damit aufzuhören. Zwei weitere gute Gründe, nach Montefiore zu kommen, sind der Wein, und die Möglichkeiten für Fahrradtouren. Insbesondere in den Nachbarorten Ripatransone, Cossignano und Offida werden Spitzenweine gemacht (v.a. Rosso Piceno Superiore, Offida Docg, und Pecorino), zu Preisen, die weit unter denen vergleichbarer Weine aus der Toskana (oder dem Piemont) liegen, in Familienbetrieben, die bei aller Qualität zumeist so unversnobt sind wie eine Currywurstbude in Berlin. Und Täler und Hügel rund um Montefiore bieten herausragende Möglichkeiten zu Fahrradtouren aller Schwierigkeitsgrade, vom Familienausflug mit Kindern zu anspruchsvollen Ganztagestouren mit jeder Menge knackigen Anstiegen und schnellen, abwechslungsreichen Abfahrten, fast ohne Autoverkehr, selbst im Hochsommer. Auf jedem Hügel gibt es herrliche neue Aussichten. 10-20 Autominuten entfernt finden sich nette Familienstrände in Cupra Marittima und Grottamare - zwei Orte mit malerischen, erhöht liegenden Altstädten - und auch hier findet man selbst im Hochsommer stets einen Parkplatz und einen guten Platz am Strand. Rummel, überzogene Preise und jeglicher Touristennepp sind den Marken völlig fremd. Nach den Erdbeben von 2016 (Montefiore selbst ist in dieser Hinsicht völlig ungefährdet) sind die Marchigiani, vor allem in den Berggebieten, mit dem Wiederaufbau beschäftigt. Es ist also der richtige Moment, ihnen dabei unter die Arme zu greifen, und sich selbst dabei etwas Gutes zu tun."

Christian Schemmel and Miriam Ronzoni | Manchester, UK | Lecturers at Manchester University
"There is so much history and art, we are always discovering something new."
"My husband and I are California transplants. We always knew when we bought our home in Gilroy 26 years ago that it would not be our last stop. Eleven years ago we had our first visit to Italy and fell in love with the culture, history, people and of course the food and wine. As retirement neared we thought long and hard as to where we would like to be to enjoy our retirement. Brian searched areas near the ocean and came across Montefiore. The move was exciting,challenging but totally worth it. We enjoy days filled with just looking at our gorgeous views or a simple walk to the village to chat with the locals. A short drive and we are at the beach. There is so much history and art, we are always discovering something new. A great place to visit… even better to live here."

Kathy Caldwell | Montefiore dell'Aso
"Per me Montefiore dell'Aso è diventato la mia seconda casa."
"Mi chiamo Carlo, ho 8 anni, sono metà marchigiano e metà bretone e quest'anno ho trascorso quasi due mesi a Montefiore dell'Aso. Ho trascorso le vacanze tra il borgo e la collina e tutti i giorni ho trovato qualcosa di divertente da fare e imparare: osservare il cielo stellato e scrutare i pianeti nel silenzio assoluto, sparecchiare alla Sagra della Maialata, raccogliere le more e saltare dalle balle di fieno, andare al mare a Cupra e visitare il Museo degli orologi antichi. Per me Montefiore dell'Aso è diventato la mia seconda casa."

Carlo Marteil | 8 Yrs Old | Verona, Italy | August 2019
"For me, Montefiore dell'Aso has become my second home."
"My name is Carlo and I am 8 years old. I am half Marche and half French and this year I spent almost two months in Montefiore dell'Aso. I spent the holidays between the village and the hill and every day I found something fun to do and learn: observe the starry sky and scrutinize the planets in absolute silence, clear the table at the Sagra della Maialata, collect the blackberries and jump from the bales of hay, go to the beach in Cupra and visit the Museum of antique clocks. For me, Montefiore dell'Aso has become my second home."

Carlo Marteil | 8 Yrs Old | Verona, Italy | August 2019
"A long vacation in Montefiore has fully recharged my batteries to face the long winter in the North of Italy."
"If I have the feeling of having returned back to hell, it means that for the month and a half spent in Montefiore dell’Aso I was in a heaven. Like any other concept, even that of paradise has a different meaning for each of us, although in this case I am convinced that some elements of beauty, elegance and simplicity, as parts of a perfect harmony, are just under the nose of anyone. Montefiore indeed is the right place to stay when in need of peace and fruitful cultural and natural stimulations.
Montefiore is a generous village that offers the feeling of being in a small world where nothing is missing. From the centre permeated in every corner by the call of history to the countryside, perfectly maintained and cultivated, but still uncontaminated and wild. Everything is at the doorstep for the needs of your body and soul: no need to travel miles to the supermarket because the supermarket is there, as is the bakery and the artisan patisserie; no need to rush to the cosmetician because you can easily have an excellent service in town; the same for an amazing pizza or a formal dinner at the Osteria Cinque colli. The abundance of landscape colours, the courtesy of its inhabitants, the proximity to the sea and the healthy and clean air to breathe during quiet nights spent scrutinizing the stars that in Montefiore seem even closer. A long vacation in Montefiore has fully recharged my batteries to face the long winter in the North of Italy. I will not fail to return very soon, and hope to find a 'buen retiro' here in the future."

Isabella Pierangeli Borletti | Verona, Italy | August 2019