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Tour Guides:
Italian on the Couch - Online Language Courses


Contact: Federica Maurizi

Tel: +39 3281236366



Facebook: Italian.on.the.couch

Instagram: learnitalian_onthecouch


☒ Group & Individual Courses

☒ Zoom or Skype

☒ 15 years experience


Federica is one of the most experienced online Italian teachers. She holds online Italian language courses, in groups and one on one.


Contact Federica if:

  • you are planning a visit to Italy and you would like to learn some Italian to make your trip even more enjoyable.

  • you already study Italian, but you are tired of studying grammar and doing exercises and not being able to speak.

  • you would like to start a fascinating journey into the most romantic language of the world.


"Ciao! My name is Federica, I am originally from Montefiore dell’Aso and I have taught the Italian language for over 15 years.

I started in the traditional way, in Bologna, in a classroom with my students. I have worked in many language schools, collaborated with the University of Bologna and run courses at the John Hopkins University in Bologna.


I then decided to change my life and go back to my native region, Le Marche. Now I live here with my family and from my own home I connect every day with my students who live all around the world."

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