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Caves of Frasassi


The Grotte di Frasassi are an extraordinary series of underground caves which extend for 35km, and form the largest underground cave system in Europe. This subterranean world of calcareous rock formations dates back 180 million years! These incredible caves were first opened to the public in 1974 and have since been visited by over ten million people. The temperature inside is 14C but there is 90 percent humidity so it doesn’t feel cold. On a hot summer day it can be a welcome relief to plunge into this strange, beautiful subterranean world.

The tour through the network of caverns is about an hour of easy walking along a maze of pathways. Magnificent ‘rooms’ revealing nature’s masterpieces have picturesque names: The majestic Ancona Abyss, The Infinite Hall, The Hall of Candles, The Obelisk and The Emerald Lake.

Small sparkling lakes and pools of clear still water, extravagantly elaborate stalactites, towering columns and alabaster spears adorn these caverns.


The caves are further enhanced by the skilled use of soft theatrical lighting. One and a half km of this crystalline wonderland is open to the general public. It also includes the breath-taking Grotta Grande del Vento (The Great Cave of the Wind), Europe's largest single cavern. There are guided tours available in Italian, English, French, Spanish or German. The English guides are excellent and very informative, helping visitors by pointing out with a torch the natural sculptures in the rock formations which visitors might otherwise miss.

A visit to the magical world of the Grotte di Frasassi is a memorable and awe-inspiring experience. Both adults and children will be fascinated by this extraordinary, hidden, enchanting world.

How to get there

Directions from Montefiore dell'Aso to The Caves of Frasassi - 131 km - 81.3 mi (1 hr 27 min)


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